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More Goings on In the Bay Area

Like the NFL’s San Francisco 49’ers Skip wrote about, Oakland A’s officials are seriously – very, very seriously – considering a move to Fremont, California, …

Indiana Through the Looking Glass

Just before Thanksgiving, the NCAA Infractions Committee handed down its judgment in the Kelvin Sampson/IU case — a 3-year probation on IU and significant restrictions …

Keep Those Subsidies Flowing

The stadium game refers to the prisoners’ dilemma-type game played by cities in their quest to attract/keep sports teams, a subject frequently touched on here …

What’s a Name Worth?

Go to today and you can buy an official Nike “US Soccer” jersey on sale for $78.99. For a mere $35.00, the clothing manufacturer …

NY Attendance

The NY Times has an article today on shortfalls in attendance at the two new stadiums in NY. I like this quote: The empty seats …