CFP NAASE Sessions at the Southern Economic Association Conference

Brad Humphreys sent along a call for papers for North America Association of Sports Economists sessions at this year’s SEA meetings in Atlanta Nov. 22-24.  Note that a session on the teaching of sports econ is of particular interest.  Here’s the CFP

The North American Association of Sports Economists (NAASE) is again organizing sports economics sessions at the Southern Economic Association (SEA) conference.  The conference will be held November 22-24, 2014 in Atlanta, Georgia.  The basic format of the NAASE sessions will be the same as in the past.  I hope to have several complete sessions to take to the SEA organizers to assure us of a good room and good session times.

*Deadline for submissions is April 1.*

We are trying to put together a session on teaching sports economics.  Anyone with a paper idea that would fit a session on teaching sports economics is especially encouraged to submit their paper.

If you have a sports economics paper you would like to present in Atlanta, please email Dennis Coates (see below for contact information) a title and full contact information including post and email addresses. Your submission must contain full contact information for all co-authors.

Here is the contact information for the session organizer:

Dennis Coates
[email protected]

Photo of author

Author: Phil Miller

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