A Few Tips for Preparing Your Horse for Race Day

Speed carries the day any time we talk about horse racing. However, you will agree that there is nothing more frustrating than entering into the event unprepared. Remember, horse racing is a highly regulated sport that is meant to assure the participants of their safety while protecting those who place bets on the horses.

Such safeguards show why your horse must undergo a few preparatory steps before and after it is taken to the racing field.

You want to think about items such as a horse rugs uk offers and other types of equipment that you may need so that your horse does its best.

We know how frustrating it can be racing on an unprepared horse. Well, here are the top-10 tips for preparing your horse before racing.

The Right Food Matters

Ensure that it is healthy and strong.

Expose your horse to proper nutrition. Be keen to give it the right food rations (both in quantity and quality). If you are able to invest wisely in your horse, you will find that it can do a great job overall.

We know that taking care of your horse can be quite expensive but you already knew the expenses involved in raising a horse.

Help Your Horse Stay Clean and Fresh

Remember to embrace daily grooming.

Never underestimate the importance of daily grooming in racing. Grooming your horse on a daily basis will ensure that its coat looks perfectly neat. This is the moment to remove the hair that already fell out and the dirt.

Form A Relationship with Your Horse

Establish a strong bond with your racehorse. Racehorses never perform well with strangers. Spend your time with the racehorse as you feed and groom him. The right amount of time spent will certainly yield great dividends.


Experts recommend that you give your racehorse a bath a few days before taking it to the race. Bathing will relieve your horse from stress and keep him in the right mood for the race. Remember that it is all about the small items that genuinely make a difference.

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The tail and mane

Though minor; your racehorse’s tail and mane will play a crucial role in the competition. Apart from the sense of beauty, the tail will act as a coordinating organ in the race. Always ensure that the mane and tail of your horse are in the right health and shape.

Be keen with your rating- Teach him how to prepare for turns and shorten his strides. You may start at a lope, and then consider breaking down to a trot before attaining the first barrel.

Take care of the speed

Horse Racing is a game of speed.it would be a great idea to take a halt once the horse is even with the barrel. This is the best technique to train your horse to rate and use its hind legs when taking a turn.

Prepare him by conditioning

Don’t stress your horse with intense training. Be keen to vary your exercises and course when taking the training sessions.

Cue him

Cueing your horse will assure you of your postural protection while in the race.


Your running horse will inhale and exhale about 80 liters of air in a second. Its performance will take a nosedive if its breathing is affected when racing.

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Author: Ben Burd

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horse racing