Closer Madness

Too little, too much.  That’s what happens when a manager narrowly and artificially constrains his decision options.  A couple of weeks ago, I discussed how …

Prospects of Stealing Second

Surfing the net the other day, I ran across a working paper concerning the decision to steal second base by Ashgar Zardkoohi, an economist in …

Stage Wins, Points Losses

In spite of winning 6 out of 21 Tour stages, Britain’s Mark Cavendish lost out to Norwegian Thor Hushovd for the sprinters “Green Jersey” competition. …

The Extra Variable

If my current employer offered me the same salary to stay home rather than work, it would be a bit like winning the lottery. I …

Going Juantorena

The current IAAF Track and Field World Championships and the 800m final inspired me to reflect on Alberto Juantorena’ unusual 800m/400m gold medal “double” in …

The More Things Change …

CBS college basketball analyst and former coach (Manhattan, Villanova, UMAss), Steve Lappas made this (paraphrased) observation over the weekend: The game has changed. We used …