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Tail starts to wag

England’s 3-2 defeat by Croatia last night, eliminating them from the Euro 2008 soccer championship, looks likely to set off the kind of “club versus …

On Second Thought…

The powers that be in the Vikings training camp have scrapped their decision to charge the public for admission to all the team’s practices. Had …

A New Twist in Cardinal Nation

Sports team owners wanting public funding for a new stadium often make the case that a new stadium will help them generate revenue sources. These …

A Beehive (State) of Activity?

I know this might get old to readers, but if sport teams stopped producing bogus economic impact numbers, and if the press stopped blindly parroting …

Death of a Young Man

You’ve probably never heard of him. I had, but that’s because I follow Missouri Tiger sports. This sort of thing happens all too often to …