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The Tall and the Short of It

Tall men earn more than short men, according to a paper (subscription required) recently published in the Journal of Political Economy, a prominent economics journal. …

A measure of success

I’d like to connect two ideas – the sensitivity of pay to performance and the quality of the England soccer team. I have long argued …

Yanks Close in on New Home

From the NY Times: The New York Yankees are reportedly close to an agreement with city and state officials to build a new stadium. The …

Vikings Stadium Issue

I posted this over at Market Power but it has much relevance for The Sports Economist. From today’s St. Paul Pioneer Press: Anoka County is …

The kids are alright

It’s easy to think that baseball and cricket and football and soccer have nothing in common, but two stories from the past two days illustrate …

A College Lesson for the NBA?

Refreshingly, the NBA playoffs so far have escaped the 75-point clutch-and-grab purgatory of the past decade. Still, according the Nielsen data reported on Zapt2it, 3.3 …

NCAA Competition

Gregg Doyle of CBS’ Sportsline writes The gap between the No. 1s and No. 16s continues to shrink, reaching an all-time low this season. In …

Final Four Economic Impact

Howdy, folks. Long time reader, first time poster. Anyway, I was in quoted in the Louisville Courier Journal last weekend regarding the economic impact of …