The Daily Caller’s infamous David Hookstead has a sister who created her own “black face movement” on Facebook. David’s sister Heather Melloch’s proudly shared a photo of herself in blackface. Just like his sister’s overt racism toward black people, David Hookstead regularly provides dog-whistle political coverage painting black people in a negative light.
Does David Hookstead support his sister’s blackface movement? The 28-year-old David Hookstead is constantly slammed across the internet for his overtly provocative disinformation rooted in hatred and discrimination. At the same time, David Hookstead of The Daily Caller is often mocked by conservatives and GOP for his adorable attempts to mimic Tucker Swanson McNear Carlson’s Fox News show.

“Black face movement…duh” – Heather Hookstead-Melloch
Many people have wondered on public internet channels where this bigotry originated. Why does David Hookstead’s writing often focus on black people doing something wrong? Is David a member of his sister Heather’s self-described “black face movement”?
Did his frustration begin at the University of Wisconsin, where he regularly wrote ‘incel’-lite posts on his “Madison Confessions” online diary? Or did his hatred and hypocrisy originate during his failed athletic pursuits in Whitewater High School athletics, which left him in a role on the basketball team’s sidelines reminiscent of Adam Sandler in the Waterboy?
This is David Hookstead. In high school, he took stats for the basketball team.
Despite the odds against him, Hookstead successfully led the twitter attack vs Big Ten for cancelling the season.
Hookstead often times has compared himself to D-Day soldiers. He is an American hero
— Vitamin Thoughts (@VitaminThoughts) September 16, 2020
Dave Hookstead’s ugly sense of humor shines brightly in his application for the basketball coaching position. He manages to fawn over Donald Trump while highlighting his ability to recruit white basketball players, demonstrating his lack of self-awareness as the University of Wisconsin troll.
“He’s intentionally trying to be provocative to gain notoriety, not unlike Ann Coulter. Unoriginal and boring.”
It does appear he got his sense of humor from his black-face sister, Heather. Heather recounts her adorable story of how she met her husband Andrew Melloch on The Knot.
“Andrew asked if I wanted to ride on his crotch rocket since I ran to the gym, from there our story began. After lunch that day, I went back to my grandma’s house and jokingly told her I was going to marry that guy someday, not even thinking we would ever see each other again.”
mother, Rita Hookstead.

During his early college days reporting on the “unruly” Black Lives Matters Protests in his second of dozens of stories for The College Fix radical right student newspaper, he managed to only find sources to interview that disagreed with the protests. His fear of journalism and engaging with people has only grown worse.
These days David Hookstead pretends to work as a journalist writing for The Daily Caller and hosting The David Hookstead Show on YouTube. Despite David’s digressive, inflammatory, extraneous, and off-topic messages intended to stir up controversy, most would expect his YouTube show hosted on the Daily Caller’s massive right-wing platform to bring in more than a few thousand views and a handful of comments each show.
He has modeled his media persona almost entirely from 4chan – borrowing the incel humor while attacking those he believes to be the lowest hanging fruit. To make up for his antisocial behavior, he tries to find balance through ‘virtue signaling’ as seen in this example of his moral grandstanding.
Growing up, a lot of guys I went to school with idolized athletes as heroes.
I love sports, but my heroes since I was a little kid were always badass special forces guys in the military.
Next week, I have an interview with a guy that is legit awesome I hope you enjoy.
— David Hookstead (@dhookstead) February 20, 2022
Also David Hookstead:
— Ryan Ohanesian (@ryanohan) August 27, 2020
I knew who Sarah Fuller was before today. Athlete. Pioneer. Someone that kids can look up to.
I learned who David Hookstead was just now.
He’s a dick.
— Andy (@_rallycap) December 12, 2020
On Brand. Daily Caller columnist David Hookstead, who has written plenty against Black athletes protesting racism, says Nick Bosa’s girlfriend’s use of the n-word is not acceptable, but “young people…say stupid things” and it’s “part of growing up.”
— Resist Programming (@RzstProgramming) August 2, 2021
“David Hookstead, a University of Wisconsin-Madison student … caused a major stir with his opinion piece suggesting some women ‘feel the need to exploit anything that may be rape for publicity.’”
— Brian P. Hickey (@BrianPHickey) September 16, 2020
As controversial photos of the Hookstead family continue to surface, what is in store for the future? Will David Hookstead fail upwards on the back of his sister Heather Melloch’s ‘black face movement’? If not, might he join his father Jeff Hookstead at the Marsh View Veterinary Clinic cleaning dog cages for minimum wage?
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