Running Your Own Business While Managing a Family? Use These Email Marketing Tips to Make Things Easier

Managing a family is a full time job on its own, and when you also have to manage a business along with it, you can bet that you’ll have your work cut out for you.

From keeping track of the quality of your service to the way that you market your products, you have to ensure that the steps you are taking towards your business’ betterment are actually working the way you intended them to.

And this is especially true when you apply this notion to the aspect of email marketing, which is one of the most economical yet effective ways of advertising in this day and age.

According to email marketing platform MyEmma, the mode of outreach has become so prominent with the widespread usage of smartphones that emailing your potential clients is now considered a surefire way to get your message across to them and delivered right to their phone screens.

Judge the significance of this statement by knowing that 81% of people now use their phones to keep track of their emails.

Why wouldn’t they? Instead of going through extremely detailed desktop browser interfaces, they can judge the contents of every email by a quick glance at their phone’s notifications, and check if the email’s body content holds anything of interest.

But this also acts as a two-edged sword, since it means that your body content could either make or break your email marketing campaign.

This is why, you need to make sure that your text-based emails are created in a way that they always drive the point home through the power of words – and here’s how you can achieve that feat.

1. Use Personalization to Your Advantage

Make sure that you use relevant tools to personalize the email for each recipient. You do not have to go into great details to create intricate messages, since the simple mention of someone’s name and their key interests could go a long way towards establishing a great rapport with them. Thus, pay ample attention to this aspect.

2. Format Content for Skimming

For those who’d open your email, it’d be important to be told what you’re trying to convey in a few seconds’ time. If your email is too convoluted or requires someone’s complete attention to be read, then you may miss out on potential readers while they are on the go. Make sure to draft simple and easy to understand emails, while also using formatting to your advantage to break them down with paragraphs, headings and bullet points.

3. Don’t Forget Your Call-to-Action

Creating a great email wouldn’t amount to anything if it doesn’t urge your users to visit your website, book an appointment or simply giving you a call. Ensure that as friendly as your email’s content is, that you make sure to include proper calls-to-action within such emails. They can do wonders in obtaining new business.

4. Be a Minimalist

In text-based emails, less is more. Be concise and be clear in what you have to say while making sure that any redundant information is not affiliated with your email. By keeping your message clean of any confusing elements or language, you can ensure to drive more audience towards your objective.

5. Respect Your Subscribers’ Choices

If your subscribers do not want an HTML email, then they must have taken the decision due to a good reason. Trying to change their mind by sending them emails about switching to HTML might just avert them from your campaign altogether. Ensure that you don’t push your HTML emails in their faces and instead deliver them the content they signed up for through intelligently crafted text emails.

If you want to read about these tips in a more elaborated manner or simply want to obtain more content on email marketing tips, then make sure to give MyEmma’s website a visit and get yourself set on the path of learning email marketing right from the experts in no time.

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Author: Ben Burd

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