Two recent publications may be of interest to readers of The Sports Economist.
1. The journal Economic Analysis and Policy (2009, vol. 39(2)), has a special issue on the economics of sport, with articles of varying interest and quality. All articles can be freely downloaded and the best articles cover issues including the economics of doping/cheating, measurement of competitive balance and an interesting take on perverse incentive effects upon sport team performance.
2. Robert D. Tollison is well known for his contributions to many fields of economics including public choice, the economics of religion and, of course, sports economics (or ‘sportometrics’). The latest edition of Public Choice (2010, vol. 142(3/4)) publishes a range of essays in honour of Prof Tollison; many by regulars at TSE and a couple co-authored by the man of honour himself (on economic issues in golf, baseball and NASCAR).