Club versus country

Unlike the major leagues, league clubs in soccer (and in most other sports) belong to national federations that in turn belong to continental and world …

Clemens Signs for $18m.

Co-blogger Phil Miller posted earlier that because Clemens and the Houston Astros were so far apart in their arbitration offers, it was likely they would …

Pro Cycling Bombshell?

The New York Times reports that Floyd Landis has “come clean” about his past use of performance enhancing drugs.  He admits to doping (using EPO, …

Bungs, Taps and sporting crime

The BBC has once again exposed the shocking criminality of English soccer. First, they have secretly filmed interviews with player agents stating that they have …

LeBron “Stumbling on Losses”

Is LeBron James secretly involved in the marketing of the Dave Berri and Martin Schmidt book, Stumbling on Wins?  Only a week after Forbes showcases  …

Major League City

Baltimore has an aged arena that is insufficient for the needs of the community for such a venue. A study was done to assess the …

How to Bluff in Poker

Bluff catch in Online Poker: How To Not Get Fooled   In 2014, during the European Poker Tour Vienna, Pablo Gordillo came up against Anthony Ghamrawi. …