On Second Thought…
The powers that be in the Vikings training camp have scrapped their decision to charge the public for admission to all the team’s practices. Had …
The powers that be in the Vikings training camp have scrapped their decision to charge the public for admission to all the team’s practices. Had …
Sports team owners wanting public funding for a new stadium often make the case that a new stadium will help them generate revenue sources. These …
Three weeks ago Scott Boras stole the spotlight from the (flagging) World Series by announcing A-Rod’s intention to seek a new employer. Breaking news last …
The upper-echelon FBS schools continue to have a high demand for games against so-called cupcake opponents as exemplified by what Arkansas State is getting to …
Ryan Jazayerli at Grantland offers a thorough and insightful survey of the demise of the Astros in “Rock Bottom in H-Town.” Many turns to the …
I know this might get old to readers, but if sport teams stopped producing bogus economic impact numbers, and if the press stopped blindly parroting …
The Australian Football League yesterday announced the details of their 2012-2016 media rights deal. The total aggregate package of A$1.253 billion (US$1.37 billion), with 95% …
So, your kid wants to get involved in motocross racing. Congratulations! Motocross racing is a tremendous sport. Nevertheless, you have some reservations. That makes perfect …
You’ve probably never heard of him. I had, but that’s because I follow Missouri Tiger sports. This sort of thing happens all too often to …
With the NFL regular season having reached its (customarily gripping) climax moments ago, sports economists will take note, as usual, of the within-season competitive balance …
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The Sports Economist is produced by a group of scholars who apply economic thinking to sports. TSE has provided commentary and links to issues in the sports world since 2004.
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