From the Kansas City Star:
Next year the NFL plans to begin playing regular-season games outside the United States, and the Chiefs want to be first in line.
An overseas game would bring Kansas City a generous helping of publicity. But it also would cost local and state tax coffers more than $500,000, according to sales tax data reviewed by The Kansas City Star.
…The state understands the NFL wants to extend its brand internationally, said Blunt spokesman Brian Hauswirth. But Missouri has invested significant money in Arrowhead and the Edward Jones Dome where the Rams play, and the state expects a return.
According to the article, the Chiefs lease with Jackson County has a clause that states the Chiefs can play one home game per year outside the continental US. But state officials want compensation. When your team gets public subsidies for its stadium, team officials risk losing some autonomy on where the team can and cannot play. What goes around…