NASCAR and Detroit

I read with interest this article at on the troubles facing NASCAR and the Big Three automakers. An interesting reaction to the article is …


Earlier on this blog the question was raised about what sort of economic impact was being projected for the Oklahoma City area if the Supersonics …

Professional Sports Team Territories

The Washington Redskins apparently have mistakenly been marketed in the official territory of the Baltimore Ravens. Today’s Baltimore Sun reports that residents of some Maryland …

FIFA fun

Skip called attention to a op-ed I published in the LA Times. An upshot of the piece, and similar ones in other papers, was that …

NY Attendance

The NY Times has an article today on shortfalls in attendance at the two new stadiums in NY. I like this quote: The empty seats …

Sweet deal

In a post a couple of days ago, I noted the wonderful benefits to the City of Baltimore produced by the Baltimore Ravens, as reported …